EnzyChrom™ Sialic Acid Assay Kit
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Supplier: BioAssay Systems
Product Type: Bioassay Kit
Product Descriptions: Quantitative determination of free and total sialic acid (NANA) by colorimetric (570nm) or fluorimetric (530nm/590nm) methods. Procedure: 2 hrs. Kit size: 100 tests. Detection limit: fluorimetric assay 2 µM, colorimetric assay 20 µM. Shelf life: 3 months. Shipping: on ice; storage: -20°C.
Test Size: 100
Storage: -20 °C
Shipping: ICE
Product URL: https://www.bioassaysys.com/Sialic-acid-Assay-Kit-(ESLA-100).html
Datasheet: https://www.bioassaysys.com/datasheet/ESLA.pdf